
  1. Functions & Limits & Continuous: 9/19
    Include: eplison and delta

  2. Derivatives: 10/3
    Include: little o & Leibniz’s product rule

  3. Integrals: 10/24
    Include: concrete example for L’Hopital rule

  4. Applications of Definite Integrals: 11/14
    Include: Brachistochrone (curve of fastest descent) problem & soap film

  5. Infinite Sequences and Series: 11/20
    Include: Riemann rearrangement theorem

  6. Taylor Series: 11/28
    Include: concrete example for Taylor theorem & Lagrange interpolation

  7. Partial Derivatives: 12/19
    Include: concrete example for change order of partial derivatives & concept of gradients

  8. Extreme Value Problem & Multiple Integrals 12/26
    Include: multi-variable Taylor series (second derivative test) & concrete example for change order of integrals (Fubini theorem)

  • Review of Midterm Exam 10/31
    These problems are taken from NTU.

  • Review of Final Exam 1/2
    These problems are taken from NTU.


NTU Calculus website